Silver Strands Tokers and Smokers
Do you remember the first kind of weed/pot/reefer you smoked? For me it was plain old cheap Mexican, leaves, stems and seeds included. When we got a bit more experienced we had the classics available to us, acapulco gold, columbian and columbian gold. or the legendary Thai Stick. Soon, Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal would publish their classic 'Marijuana Grower's Guide', and many of us took to the hills to 'Grow Yer Own Stone' following the teachings of Frank, Rosenthal and Dr. Alexander Sumach in our quest for better, cheaper weed.
While we were in the hills and valleys learning to cultivate our favourite weed, more adventurous souls were traveling the globe in search of new and better strains to import to satisfy a growing number of tokers and smokers. We soon discovered the joys of Sensimilla and the wonder of 'Virgin's Tears' produced by female plants that are grown in isolation from males and never pollinated.
We were all confident that legalization was inevitable, we just had to let the movers and shakers do their thing, while we stayed home and smoked a few with our friends. Then life happened for most of us, we got jobs, got married, had kids, and moved on to other pursuits. Old toking friends drifted away and grown up friends took their place, so the joints got stashed and only pulled out for nostalgic 'trips' down memory lane.
Fast forward to 2018, weed is now legal for recreational use in several US states and widely accepted for it's medicinal values. Legalization (well sort of, but that's another topic entirely!) is looming for those of us here in Canada, the homegrown marijuana industry has grown and flourished with a wide range of products available, smokeable, edible, topical, concentrates and derivatives are now on the market. Purchasing marijuana products online has become safe, fast and reliable, meaning you no longer need to have a local 'dealer' to buy from, mail order purchasing allows you to remain anonymous with packages sent via parcel post in plain, unmarked packages.
But with all the different products available, it can be confusing for those of us accustomed to buying whatever our dealer happened to have available. That's where we hope we can help! We are creating a site that will unlock the secrets of the new and wonderful world of Cannabis products for older users like us. Whether you are a lifelong smoker, or you are trying to rediscover the tastes of some old favourites from your past and maybe try something new, or even if you are a total newbie, we welcome you to follow along on our journey of discovery in the wonderful world of Cannabis in the 21st century!
We are planning on doing some in depth research to help us sort things out, so we thought we would invite you to join us, and even contribute if you feel so inclined! We won't be able to support an open forum, at least not to start, but we invite questions, comments and reviews on dispensaries, products and mail order retailers. Negative reviews of course are welcome, but please understand that if you are leaving a negative review on a brick and mortar or mail order dispensary, we will contact them to offer them the opportunity to comment or resolve any outstanding issues.
While we were in the hills and valleys learning to cultivate our favourite weed, more adventurous souls were traveling the globe in search of new and better strains to import to satisfy a growing number of tokers and smokers. We soon discovered the joys of Sensimilla and the wonder of 'Virgin's Tears' produced by female plants that are grown in isolation from males and never pollinated.
We were all confident that legalization was inevitable, we just had to let the movers and shakers do their thing, while we stayed home and smoked a few with our friends. Then life happened for most of us, we got jobs, got married, had kids, and moved on to other pursuits. Old toking friends drifted away and grown up friends took their place, so the joints got stashed and only pulled out for nostalgic 'trips' down memory lane.
Fast forward to 2018, weed is now legal for recreational use in several US states and widely accepted for it's medicinal values. Legalization (well sort of, but that's another topic entirely!) is looming for those of us here in Canada, the homegrown marijuana industry has grown and flourished with a wide range of products available, smokeable, edible, topical, concentrates and derivatives are now on the market. Purchasing marijuana products online has become safe, fast and reliable, meaning you no longer need to have a local 'dealer' to buy from, mail order purchasing allows you to remain anonymous with packages sent via parcel post in plain, unmarked packages.
But with all the different products available, it can be confusing for those of us accustomed to buying whatever our dealer happened to have available. That's where we hope we can help! We are creating a site that will unlock the secrets of the new and wonderful world of Cannabis products for older users like us. Whether you are a lifelong smoker, or you are trying to rediscover the tastes of some old favourites from your past and maybe try something new, or even if you are a total newbie, we welcome you to follow along on our journey of discovery in the wonderful world of Cannabis in the 21st century!
We are planning on doing some in depth research to help us sort things out, so we thought we would invite you to join us, and even contribute if you feel so inclined! We won't be able to support an open forum, at least not to start, but we invite questions, comments and reviews on dispensaries, products and mail order retailers. Negative reviews of course are welcome, but please understand that if you are leaving a negative review on a brick and mortar or mail order dispensary, we will contact them to offer them the opportunity to comment or resolve any outstanding issues.
2020 WTF???
Holy crap who would have predicted 2020???? Absolute proof that we need to enjoy the moment because there's no guarantee that you'll get another chance!
I have been busy doing the research I promised and have discovered a whole new world of weedy delights!!!